Wall paintings were uncovered during the restoration exploration carried out by Juraj Maták, a sculptor, in 1999.
In the period from 2000 to 2002 the wall paintings were gradually uncovered and restored in the entire church interior. In the first stage secondary coatings were injected especially in places expected to fall away. Locally also neutral tones in the form of dotted retouching were applied to the top of sealed places and in this manner unreadable fragments were joined into specific forms. In this manner a horse and a beggar were created in the scene of St. Martins life which is situated in the left side of the triumphal arch of the nave. In the interior of an early Gothic church in Martinček, which ranks among the oldest ones in the Liptov region, an outstanding discovery af medieval wall paintings was made. Although the definite dating and classification of the painting have not been finished yet, it can be said that it is one of the oldest continuously preserved wall painting in Slovakia.
Meniny má Ľudomil, Dragan, Dragutín, Drahan, Drahotín, Ľudomila, Radka, Serena
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September je májom jesene.
Po svätom Kríži, jeseň sa blíži.
Kostol patrí medzi najstaršie pamiatky Liptova. Historické údaje o kostole sú málo známe, hovorí sa o teórii o kláštore templárov a o romantickej povesti o vražde veľkého templárskeho vizitátora a učiteľa Jána Gottfrieda de Herberstein zo Štajerska, ku ktorej tu malo dôjsť v roku 1230.
Archeologické výskumy na neďalekom vrchu Mních, realizované v 60.rokoch 20.storočia, teórie o templároch nepotvrdili. Kostol patrí medzi najstaršie pamiatky Liptova. Pôvodne slúžil ako farský kostol pre obce Likava a Lisková, obec Martinček vznikla až po vystavaní kostola. Bol postavený okolo roku 1260 v štýle prechodného románsko-gotického slohu, s prevahou ranogotických slohových prvkov.